Poetry News

Fordham Presents a Bruce Andrews Symposium and Reading + New Web Archive

Originally Published: October 30, 2012

Should you New Yorkers be mass-transiting in dry streets come Friday, check out the Bruce Andrews Symposium and Reading at Fordham. More info here as well, and details below for your convenience.


Friday December 7, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Fordham-Lincoln Center
113 W. 60th Street (at Columbus)
South Lounge ('Plaza' level, off the cafeteria)

A panel and reading in honor of poet and Fordham faculty member Bruce Andrews, a leading figure in avant-garde writing and performance since the 1970s. The author of over thirty volumes of poetry, Andrews has taught political science at Fordham since 1975. As co-founder of the ground-breaking journal L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Andrews was among a small group of writers who instigated what is arguably the biggest shift in American poetry in the last generation. First, a panel of prominent scholars will present papers on Andrews’ work, moderated by poet-critic Charles Bernstein. After a brief break and reception, Andrews will read from his work.

Charles Bernstein
Michael Golston
Laura Hinton
Peter Nichols
Bob Perelman
Paul Stephens

And as Charles Bernstein notes, there is a new Fordham website gathering works by and about Andrews, including the following (direct links at CB's blog):

"L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E”: forthcoming in The Little Magazine in America
“Reader Repo,” Talk from Rethinking Poetics Conference, pp 94-97 + Talk PDF Q & A, after U.C. Berkeley Reading, at 1 hr. 16’
“Meaning, Method, Motive: Empire & so-called Language Writing” + Talk in Convolutions
“Reading Lines Linear How to Mean” in A Broken Thing: Poets on the Line
“Hearing Ends in Darkness” (essay as liner notes for Jarrod Fowler's 2008 album, "'Percussion' as Percussion")
“Constructivism Mystery” in Vertov from Z to A, ed. Ahwesh & Sanborn
“What’s the Word” for Zukofsky Conference
“Reading Notes”
“Brechtian V-Effect Updated: Implications for Poetic Praxis”

Also, never forget: Bill O'Reilly vs. Bruce Andrews
