Poetry News

A Fun Interview With Major Jackson

Originally Published: December 18, 2014

Major Jackson is interviewed at Please Excuse This Poem, the online extension of 100 New Poets for the Next Generation, forthcoming from Viking in March. This is a fun interview series! Keep your eyes on it. For now, some Q&A from our favorite Harvard Review editor:

What was the last book of poems you read:

Urban Tumbleweed by Harryette Mullen

Your favorite motto / quote:

“Earth’s the right place for love: / I don’t know where it’s likely to go better.”

Your favorite occupation / hobby:

Playing chess with my dad.

Your idea of happiness:

Lying on a beach with my wife with a cocktail in one hand and a book in another.

Your idea of misery:

Stuck in an airplane cabin on a tarmac for three hours.

Your favorite virtue:


What you appreciate the most in your friends:


Your favorite prose authors:

Toni Morrison

Read it all at Please Excuse This Poem.