Poetry News

RIP Emma Villazón Richter

Originally Published: August 24, 2015

Last week we learned of the passing of Bolivian poet, critic, journalist, researcher and editor Emma Villazón Richter. Several Spanish-language news sources have already posted obituaries and tributes to Villazón, but over the weekend Erín Moure wrote a tribute to Villazón at Our Teeth. Moure writes:

Villazón, acclaimed poet and tireless cultural commentator and organizer, passed away on August 19, in the morning, at the age of 32, in the company of her partner Chilean poet and critic Andrés Ajens, following a collapse from a stroke two days earlier as she was about to board a plane to their home in Santiago de Chile from Bolivia, where she had attended the La Paz International Book Fair as an invited guest speaking on migrations and poetry.

Villazón worked tirelessly and gladly to connect the poetries and poets of Bolivia with those of Chile, and with poets in the USA and Canada. Her facility for building bridges, and her generosity and intelligence, were appreciated by all. She is above all considered by all who have read her work to be a singular and important voice in 21st century Bolivian and Spanish-language poetry.

She was co-editor, with Ajens, of the respected poetry magazine Mar con Soroche and had two poetry collections to her credit, Fábulas de una caída (2007, winner of the Premio Nacional Nóveles Escritores in Bolivia) and Lumbre de ciervos (2013, La Hoguera).

At Our Teeth, Moure has translated Villazón "Parliament" from Lumbre de ciervos. Head to the blog to read the rest of Moure's tribute. Our condolences go out to Villazón's family and friends.

Read more about Villazón's life and work below.








