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Rumors: Mallarmé

Originally Published: September 11, 2015


Comme des Garçons makes Mallarmé shirts to give to organ donors

Kurt Cobain’s sweaters flexed green but should have flexed azure

Azure is a harsh toilet cleaner sold at Aldis

Mallarmé despised Miami Beach

Mallarmé’s favorite movie was New Jack City

Mallarmé once said the best way to get yourself out of a poem is to turn into a bunch of white balloons

Mallarmé understood that being one of a long line of civil servants, he would become a poet

Mallarmé sd to Sarte: “An age of bourgeois poets is like a carton of rice filled with blood”

Mallarmé sd to Manet: “Yes, but I often feel like I’m out of it”

Mallarmé sd to Yeats: “Take me a-, take me a-, take me a-, a-way”

Mallarmé sd to Verlaine: “Disaster!”

Mallarmé sd to Stefan George: “It’s not a matter of playing the madman”

Mallarmé sd to Wilde: “I’m not dead”

Mallarmé sd to Rilke: “Terrible, awe-inspiring, uncanniest”

Mallarmé sd to Valéry: “I should have been a painter”

Mallarmé sd to Whistler: “Let me see what I can do”

When Van Gogh died, Mallarmé took two Tuinal and went running

Mallarmé knows what you mean when you say “Technotronic”

“There is no getting rid of Mallarmé,” said Mallarmé

Mallarmé’s sailboat was called “Cirrhosis of the River”

Mallarmé wrote the first ever self-help book, Crisis: Coming Out of the Tube

Mallarmé on dandyism: “Dandy is the symptom, poet is the disease”

Mallarmé’s favorite poets were Tasso and Vallejo, Huidobro and Roquette-Pinto, Bolaño and João Cabral de Melo Neto

Mallarmé once gave Carlos Castaneda a perm

Mallarmé’s favorite actor was Bill Duke

Mallarmé’s favorite actress was Elizabeth Peña

Mallarmé’s shadow skimmed the water like a huge violet-colored mosquito

Mallarmé’s death smelled like Drakkar Noir and tar

Mallarmé: “I am perfectly dead…I am now impersonal and no longer the Stéphane you have known, but an aptitude the spiritual universe has to see and develop itself through what was once me”

Poet and editor Robert Fernandez was born in Hartford, Connecticut, and grew up in Miami. He earned ...

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