Clocktower Radio's 'Boat Books' Features The Floating Library
At Clocktower Radio, check out the latest installment of "Boat Books" (part of the larger program "Paper Cuts"), where hosts Taylor Yates and Christopher Kardambikis talk to artist and writer Sarah Peters about The Floating Library, an experimental public art project (and "lake-based library") "that explores the underused amenity of the urban lake as a civic and creative place."
The tool in this endeavor is a library. Specifically, a collection of artist books and printed matter aboard a raft reachable by boat. The library has both circulating and reference collections contributed by artists nationwide and internationally. A staff of friendly floating librarians facilitate the check out process and make reading suggestions. Dispensing paper goods on a lake may seem like a juxtaposition of two things that don’t go well together (books + water). This project draws on the common past time of beach reading and the inventive thinking of artists working with the form of the book to provide context appropriate and uncommon reading material to people who are already gathered on the water.
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