Poetry News

Syrian-American Poet & Rap Artist Omar Offendum Visits Philadelphia

Originally Published: April 10, 2018

WHYY introduces readers to the Syrian-American poet and rapper, Omar Offendum, who visited Philadelphia schools to discuss the similarities between classic Arabic poetry and rap with students, in addition to a community performance and an appearance at the University of Pennsylvania's Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. At WHYY, Peter Crimmins notes, "It’s not such a heavy lift: African-American rap music is often laced with references to Islam (20 years ago, for example, Biggie Smalls rapped 'Quick fast, like Ramadan,' on 'Kick in the Door' from his 'Life After Death' album). Philadelphia urban culture, in particular, is thoroughly permeated with Arabic and Islam, as Offendum — who is based in Los Angeles — discovered on a SEPTA bus." On from there: 

The bus driver was wearing a hijab, so he greeted her in Arabic — “As-Salaam Alaikum” — and she responded with the same.

“She responded so casually, so nonchalantly, like it was an everyday thing. She didn’t think twice,” said Offendum. “Whereas in LA, when I see someone in the hijab, and I say, ‘As-Salaam Alaikum,’ there’s a moment there, where it’s like, ‘OK, were minorities here, and we’re sharing a moment.’ In Philadelphia, it’s just another person you’re saying hello to.”

Offendum was in town preparing for a Sunday concert presented by Intercultural Journeys. He was also doing some outreach. On Thursday, he appeared at the University of Pennsylvania’s Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, presenting new material based on his reaction to that institution’s collection of ancient Syrian artifacts.

At Bodine High, he spoke with a ninth-grade English class about his experiences as a Syrian-American; about the discrimination — both casual and overt — he experiences as a Muslim in the post-9/11 world; and about the ongoing Syrian civil war. The urgency of the war and the plight of its victims dominate much of his creative output right now.

Read on at WHYY