Poetry News

Washington Post Reveals the Astro Poets' Arrival

Originally Published: November 14, 2019

Angela Haupt sits down with Alex Dimitrov and Dorothea Lasky, the poets behind the popular Twitter account (and now, the book) Astro Poets: Your Guides to the Zodiac to talk about their friendship and their interest in the zodiac. "The duo’s first book, 'Astro Poets: Your Guides to the Zodiac,' is a snappy primer on astrology and how it can help make sense of modern-day life, work and love," Haupt foregrounds. Picking up there: 

Highlights include imagined text conversations (“Taurus: ‘I will never leave you.’ Scorpio: ‘I wish I could say the same.’ ”) and original poetry.

During a joint interview, New York-based Dimitrov and Lasky discussed the connection between poetry and astrology and why the star signs remain relevant.

Q: Have you both always been interested in the zodiac?

Lasky: I didn’t have a deep obsession with astrology until my early 20s. I didn’t distrust it, but as a little kid and teenager, I was very into traditional hard science, so I didn’t exactly want to accept it as part of reality.

Dimitrov: I’ve always believed in magic and other worlds and that there are many different realms of experience — we’re just plugged into one of them. I grew up an only child and didn’t have that many friends in school, so I felt in some ways that my existence was very insular, and in that insularity, I found poetry. Astrology and poetry are both very interested in connection and the human spirit. That can be comforting to people who feel they don’t exactly fit into the thing that we’re all in.

Continue reading at the Washington Post.