Free Download of the March 2022 Issue Celebrating the Work of Margaret Danner and More
BY The Editors

We’re excited to share with readers our March 2022 issue! In addition to many new poems and translations from Asiya Wadud, Aditi Machado, Renee Gladman, and more, the issue features the portfolio, “‘These Blazing Forms’: The Life and Work of Margaret Danner.” Margaret Esse Danner (1915–1984) was the author of several books of poetry and the first Black woman on Poetry’s editorial staff, yet her books are no longer in print. We hope this portfolio, which reprints a selection of poems by Danner and includes prose and poems on Danner by Adrienne Brown, CM Burroughs, Liesl Olson, Ed Roberson, and Rebecca Zorach, will help bring Danner’s work to more readers. In order to share Danner’s work widely, the issue is available as a free download in the Poetry Magazine App, available through the App Store, Google Play, and Amazon. We also have a complimentary PDF of the issue available. As always, the issue is free to read on our website.
In the coming weeks and months, there will be additional resources on Danner and her work, including teaching guides, podcast episodes, and an online discussion of the issue with guest editor Srikanth Reddy. For now, we hope you enjoy the March issue!
The editorial staff of the Poetry Foundation. See the Poetry Foundation staff list and editorial team…
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