Heather McHugh's CAREGIFTED Program Offers Respite to Long-Term Full-Time Caregivers
Check out this wonderful program organized by poet Heather McHugh.
From the website:
CAREGIFTED was established by poet Heather McHugh to benefit long-term (decade or more) full-time caregivers of severely disabled family members. We award all-expense-paid vacations including transportation (from major airports nearest their US homes), as well as lodging, food allowance, and personal concierge services.
Awardees during the two-year pilot program (2012 through 2014) are chosen for their need of rest and diversion; for their interest in contributing their stories to UNDERSUNG (the non-profit documentary component of the project); and for their ability to leave their home duties (i.e. find respite care for their charges) during the vacation week. (CAREGIFTED is not equipped to accommodate the disabled family members themselves, but is meant to provide a week's relief to the weariest caregivers.)
As host, Heather McHugh offers not only chauffeur and guide services, but company and conversation as desired. (Or caregiver awardees can just rest and browse about on their own). Different locations feature different attractions:
The island in Maine is a small Downeast town with waterfront accommodations, extraordinary seafood and local fishing, arts and history attractions; the Napa area of California naturally features vineyards and cuisine; and the excursions to Victoria BC from Seattle feature lovely Pacific coast island scenery, the oldest Chinatown in Canada, world-class gardens and the amenities of a globally-significant tourist destination.
LOCATIONS AND DATES: Pilot program 2013-2015
Summers (starting July/August 2012 and extending through September 15): lodgings either in waterfront or near-waterfront guest suite in James Bay or Cook Street Village areas of Victoria BC.
Springs (starting Feb 2013 - May 2013):
St Helena CA (at the Adagio Inn's Sonata Suite -- http://www.adagioinn.com ).Falls (starting Oct 2013 - Nov 2013): Eastport Maine (at The Commons Eastport -- http://www.thecommonseastport.com )
This sounds so great. Even more info available here.