Poetry News

Patrick James Dunagan Reviews Joshua Clover's Red Epic

Originally Published: July 15, 2015

At Your Impossible Voice, Patrick James Dunagan provides insight into Joshua Clover's most recent collection of poems, Red Epic. The collection is published by Commune Editions: a new "start-up press Clover along with fel­low poets Juliana Spahr and Jasper Bernes estab­lished in part­ner­ship with left­ist, anti-commercial AK Press" as Dunagan writes. More:

Few books, let alone books of poetry, arrive boast­ing a blurb from Enter­tain­ment Weekly while simul­ta­ne­ously, and aggres­sively, declar­ing the attempt to estab­lish a Marx­ist lyric praxis. Joshua Clover’s Red Epic, how­ever, does just this. Red Epic is the first of a pro­jected series of books to be pub­lished by Com­mune Edi­tions, a start-up press Clover along with fel­low poets Juliana Spahr and Jasper Bernes estab­lished in part­ner­ship with left­ist, anti-commercial AK Press. With a splashy plethora of bright red across its cover, there’s lit­tle mis­un­der­stand­ing as to the polit­i­cal lean­ings of both poet and press.

Through rig­or­ous prose, Clover has long toiled within Marx­ist crit­i­cal analy­sis but with Red Epic he brings this analy­sis to bear in com­pelling poetry. He is not turn­ing his back on his Marx­ist crit­i­cism but rather attempt­ing to broaden the reach of its argu­ment across the span of his writ­ing. This book is an ambi­tious project. With his poetic skill on dis­play, the critic inside the poet inside the critic is fre­quently found argu­ing with him­self and tear­ing down the very struc­tures he would erect to advance the ideals he would have the poems stand upon and rep­re­sent. As a call for rev­o­lu­tion­ary artis­tic prac­tice, his book remains admirably rest­less in its con­fronta­tion with the seem­ingly anti­thet­i­cal nature of it all. Clover doesn’t back away from con­fronting the desire for a lyric that “turns to the lan­guage of value” and here he’s speak­ing to poets first rather than labor or the market.[...]

Continue at Your Impossible Voice.