Poetry News

'Language is a dangerous code': A Conversation with Peter Gizzi

Originally Published: May 18, 2016

Thanks to Plymouth University's new venture, Periplum, which publishes and promotes new poetry through broadsides, pamphlets, books, and digital videos of poets in conversation with series editor Anthony Caleshu, we have an intimate look into the life and work of Peter Gizzi, whose 7th collection of poetry, Archeophonics, will be published in September by Wesleyan University Press. Gizzi discusses his entry into poetry as a young man and the influence his older brother Michael had on his development, how he thinks of language as he composes a poem and where he feels tradition is oriented, the durability of the lyric, and much much more. Take 8 minutes and 32 seconds of your day for this remarkable conversation. And be sure to stop by Periplum where another video, this time of poet Mark Ford, has recently posted.