Poetry News

Adweek Introduces Mall of America Writer-in-Residence, Brian Sonia-Wallace

Originally Published: May 19, 2017

Poet Brian Sonia-Wallace will be spending his birthday at the Mall of America this year. The Los Angeles-based writer is the site's new Writer-in-Residence. He arrives at the Mall as the "sprawling complex" celebrates its 25th-anniversary year. At Adweek, Richard Horgan writes: "the Los Angeles-based poet is most uniquely qualified for this sort of work." From there:

Sonia-Wallace (pictured) is a 2016-17 Amtrak writer-in-residence and has also done residencies with the City of Los Angeles, the U.S. National Parks system, Dollar Shave Club and L.A.’s ArtsWork Theater. Refrains, trains and automobiles, if you will.

Wallace will serve as MOA writer-in-residence June 14-18, which overlaps with his June 17 birthday. He plans to write 125 poems, another twist that was not originally envisioned by MOA but gladly accommodated once they chose him as the winner.

Continue at Adweek.