Ilyse Kusnetz


Ilyse Kusnetz authored the poetry collection Small Hours (2014), winner of the T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry from Truman State University Press, and a chapbook, The Gravity of Falling (La Vita Poetica Press, 2006). She earned her MA in creative writing from Syracuse University and her PhD in contemporary feminist and postcolonial British literature from the University of Edinburgh. Her poetry has appeared in places such as Crab Orchard ReviewCincinnati ReviewCrazyhorseStone CanoeRattle, and many other journals, as well as in anthologies including The Book of Scented ThingsDevouring the Green: Fear of a Transhuman PlanetMonstrous Verse: Angels, Demons, Vampires, Ghosts, and Fabulous Beasts; and The Best of Kore Press, 2012: Poetry. She has also published numerous reviews and essays on contemporary American and Scottish poetry, both in the United States and Great Britain, and served as book review editor at the Florida Review.

Kusnetz taught at Valencia College in Orlando, Florida, where she lived with her husband, the poet and memoirist Brian Turner. She died in 2016.