Poet Matthew Yeager was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is the author of the poetry collection Like That (2016). In his long poems, he treats seemingly innocuous objects—a ball of foil, a glass of water—accruing rich, complex metaphorical associations as they proceed. Publisher’s Weekly, in a starred review, called the book “a triumph of sonic quality, line construction, and sustained attention.” Yeager’s short film based on a poem from the book, “A Big Ball of Foil in a Small NY Apartment,” was an official selection at 11 film festivals and received three awards. Yeager himself has received two fellowships from MacDowell and is a recipient of the Barthelme Prize in short prose. He is co-curator of the KGB Monday Night Reading Poetry Series and works in the catering industry in New York City, where he lives with his wife, poet Chelsea Whitton.