The Sadness of a Dog
Somehow pesters the sadness of
a dog—that ungiven guardedness
at first report of day
in a slyly chosen alley;
not the cat hidden in the bougainvillaea blossom,
not the bull barefaced into the lissome
highway, it’s a madness
less to do with mordant Englishness
in a glum phototropic
teat, more a perky realpolitik
in over-familiar mottled skin. That hoarse howl
at the garden’s shrub-ridden edge, that shawl
a woman knits, waiting for a man
who’s not her man—not a man at all—then
crouching by the bedpost
When to be tame is at most
a disavowal in proxy to the master’s unacknowledged
fear: knowing fear as part of privilege,
knowing privilege a state
infeasible, the amenable innate
animal to whom
we assign the affectionate name
—Bango, Napoleon, Spot—bounding resolutely
into the black-red greenness of the middle sea—
believes itself to be human
in dogly garb, a non-veg incarnation
of mortal virtue, no less
than a wife, child, comrade in armless
charms. We nurture this notion, lure it to the rug.
So even if it steal to the street trailing a fog-
-dust deliberate, choosing mange
over matter to be free—deranged,
sheltering in a truck’s
dappled shade, but dreading the hunger-dusk
or charity at noon—if it claim its independence
among curs, dodging some dog-chief, teeth clenched,
lurking in building societies—
it still will count the hand that carries
the house in a fist,
or follow, for a glance, a humanist.
Paused between doorstep and forest, both gone;
kept in equilibrium, the sadness of a dog.
Copyright Credit: Vivek Narayanan, "The Sadness of a Dog" from Universal Beach. Copyright © 2011 by Vivek Narayanan. Reprinted by permission of the author.
Source: Universal Beach (ingirumimusnocte, 2011)