from Walking Across a Field We Are Focused on at This Time Now: ["Walking across a field we are focused on at this time now, Judd."]

Walking across a field we are focused on at this time now, Judd.
We are focusing on the act of walking across a field.
We will focus our attention on this gesture of walking.
We will act in the manner of moving our legs forward.
We will press our heels to the grass while we are in the process of movement and we will extend our toes forward.
We will bend our knees as the soles of our feet press against the grass.
As our knees bend we will lift our opposite foot at the heel and we will push our bent leg forward across space.
Our opposite leg will exist in space, bent at a ninety-degree angle, until it drops and our heel touches the grass first followed by the soles of our feet and lastly followed by our toes.
At which point the heel of our opposite foot will lift and it will shift our point of balance.
We will lift that heel and bend our legs.
As we lift our opposite leg at a ninety-degree angle so that the top surfaces of our thighs are parallel to both the sky and the ground, we will shift our point of balance from the vertical and closer to a horizontal.
We will shift our point of balance forward until our feet become pressed to the ground.
At which point we will lift the heel of our opposite leg and draw our knee upward.
We will focus our attention on neither where we are walking from, or to, at this time, but on the act of walking.
There are many features to this.
However we are focused on walking across a field at this time.
We will focus our attention on this manner of walking.
On neither speed nor duration, but on this gesture of walking across a field.
Especially on this day with clouds.
Whether we are walking in unison, it does not matter.
And we will focus our attention on neither how long we have been walking nor how long it will continue, but on continuing this gesture in the manner of walking.
We will focus on the way that it feels to be somewhat grounded despite walking steadily forward.
We will focus on the way in which we are walking steadily forward.
We will focus on the position of walking forward and its implications.
We will focus on this position while we are walking.
Whether we are walking in unison, it does not matter.
We are focusing on walking across a field at this time now.
We will focus on the manner in which we turn our heads periodically from side to side in discussion.
We will focus our attention on the manner in which we have been speaking and the variations as to this.
As to the manner, it does not matter, but rather its presence while we are focused on the act of walking across a field.
In the manner of walking across a field now, we are walking in a direction forward while turning our heads at times toward each other.
We will focus on this walking gesture and the expanse that surrounds our movement.
We will focus on its many qualities.
We will focus on its many qualities while walking across a field.
We will focus on relation within this gesture of walking across a field.
We will focus on this movement forward as we are walking across a field in relation.
Whether we are walking in unison, it does not matter.
With relation to fields, it is the movement that is most important.

Copyright Credit: Sara Wintz, "[”Walking across a field we are focused on at this time now, Judd”]" from Walking Across a Field We Are Focused on at This Time Now.  Copyright © 2012 by Sara Wintz.  Reprinted by permission of Ugly Duckling Presse.
Source: Walking Across a Field We Are Focused on at This Time Now (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2012)