Glossary of Selected Terms

What is skin,
if not a taut swaddle

loosening, body
if not a warm swaddle

cooling, blood
if not thread

in a swaddle
made of body, horizons

if not lines
where sky swaddles

Earth. See father.
Stars, if not swaddled

matter emitting light. See spirit.
Wind, if it does not trace

paths around bodies. See blood.
Universe, if not outermost

concentric circle. See mother.
kiss, if not mouths pressed

into wet twists, taste
if not flavor swaddling 

tongue, father
if not the option

to swaddle, spirit
if not the smallest unit

of the swaddled, mother
if not hips

swaddling womb. See skin.
See body. See wind. See universe. See blood.

                                                                ​after Nin Andrews

Copyright Credit: Jonterri Gadson, "Glossary of Selected Terms" from Blues Triumphant.  Copyright © 2016 by Jonterri Gadson.  Reprinted by permission of YesYes Books.