
You hold onto life like a hostage. You're deeply embedded.
You're an actor slipping into a new script. You're a comma
Whose purpose is to mark the moment when prose is suspended,
Where begins a poem's pensive silence or some dark drama.
You're a Charles Dickens character in the opium den
Of a long life. All you want is to sleep through the nights after
Satisfying intercourse, but your mimesis may have been
Caught by sexually transmitted diseases. Disaster
Is an evening when you're so hungry every apple core
Evokes grocery stores. Being the only one and only,
They can't clone or disown you. The only thing you lack is your
Adult teeth, beneath the rotten teeth of what makes you lonely.
And the truth is that devolution concurs with disposal
Till it emerges, when entourage lobbies for Decalogue,
And hype is the new preparation before its proposal,
Calling for the removal of all shoes, shirts, and demagogues,
And the zealous anti-Orientalists who refuse to
Use anyone's last names first when denying them service at
The sperm bank, where the preferred euphemism is "super glue."
Remember the joke about the butcher who couldn't get fat?
Rejuvenated vaginas and enhanced penises squeak
Thanks to Puritanism gone gaga vis-à-vis bling-bling
À la bada bing. People piled up form a sexual peak.
Two condoms put up their dukes inside a contraceptive ring.
Champagne is the new organizer for your political
Campaign to conceive something tantamount to FASD
Of the spirit. Were you surprised or did you wax critical
When you emerged from the driveway to your domesticity
Without any disease but your family's questionable
Cultural history? Is it such a mystery that your
Mediocrity's latently poised to emerge? That you're full
Of traditional vulnerability? You'll pace the floor
Until you face (at a number of paces proportional
To the gravity of the insults that have been thrown your way)
Yourself dressed like a clown. Your brain will halt to urbanely sprawl
And then catapult your past beyond your future like a clay
Pigeon across a clear blue sky, toward a lemonade stand
At which the theory of other minds attempts to explain
Why petroleum prices fluctuate with body count and
Meaningful relationships end in kaleidoscopic pain.

Copyright Credit: Joshua Edwards, "Dissimilations" from Campeche. Copyright © 2011 by Joshua Edwards.  Reprinted by permission of Noemi Press.