Into the Racism Workshop

For Alma Banda Goddard

my cynical feet ambled
prepared for indigestion
& blank faces of outrageous innocence
knowing I'd have to walk over years of media
declaring we're vanished or savage or pitiful or noble
My toes twitched when I saw so few brown faces
but really when one eats racism every time one goes out one’s door
the appeal of talking about it is minuscule
I sat with my back to the wall facing the door
after I changed the chairs to a circle
This doesn't really protect me
but I con myself into believing it does
One of the first speakers piped up
I'm only here because my friend is Black & wanted
me to do this with her
I've already done
300 too many racism workshops
Let it be entered into the Book of Stars
that I did not kill her or shoot a scathing reply from the hip
I let it pass because I could tell she was very interested in taking
up all the space with herself & would do it if I said a word
They all said something that I could turn into a poem
but I got tired & went to sleep behind my interested eyes
I've learned that the most important part of these tortures
is for them to speak about racism at all
Even showing up is heresy
because as we all know racism is some vague thing that really doesn't
exist or is only the skinheads on a bad day or isn't really a crucial problem
not as important certainly as queers being able to marry
or get insurance for each other
When they turned to me as resident expert on the subject
which quite honestly I can't for the life of me understand
or make any sense out of
I spoke from my feet
things I didn't know I knew
of our connections
of the deadly poison that racism is for all of us
Maybe some of them were touched
but my bitch voice jumps in to say
I heard back that someone thought I was brilliant
Does that mean that I speak well
Or that she was changed
It's only her change
I need

Copyright Credit: Chrystos, "Into the Racism Workshop" from Fugitive Colors.  Copyright © 1995 by Chrystos.  Reprinted by permission of Cleveland State University Press Poetry Center.