scent of orange blossoms: haiku/senryu

this morning
weaving Chi in the garden
invisible ball in my hand
Halong Bay
battle distant memory
smoke from Gulf of Tonkin
did the atom
ever know its destiny
how our hands create?
A student asked me,
“Why do your people
believe in dragons?”
river birch –
in the wind
the solid bones of elk antlers
or branches of a limber pine –
bobcat with mange
unwatered plants
also dying
mountain lion
her land, before ours
invasive plants
scent of orange blossoms –
memories of my late grandma
who planted this tree
yarrow seedlings
pop up a week later –
each moment a small beginning
stopped in my tracks
by a primrose blooming –
I, too, will overcome this
a bowl of rice and soy sauce
food to survive on
my heart
the Santa Ana winds today
branches fall to the ground

Copyright Credit: Teresa Mei Chuc, "scent of orange blossoms: haiku/senryu" from Invisible Light.  Copyright © 2018 by Teresa Mei Chuc.  Reprinted by permission of Many Voices Press.