(First Trimester)

[we] are watching a documentary about home
birth when [you] first feel [neni] kick // embryo
of hope // they say plastic is the perfect creation
because it never dies // litters the beaches
of o‘ahu, this “gathering place” // the doctor
recommends a c-section // in the sea, plastic multiplies
into smaller pieces, leaches estrogenic and toxic
chemicals // if [we] cut open the bellies of whales
and large fish, what fragments will [we] find, derived
from oil, absorbed into tissue // because plastic
never dissolves, every product ever made still exists,
somewhere, today // i wish my daughter was made
of plastic so that she will survive [our] wasteful
hands // so that she, too, will have a great future

Copyright Credit: Craig Santos Perez, "(First Trimester)" from from unincorporated territory [guma']. Copyright © 2017 by Craig Santos Perez.  Reprinted by permission of Omnidawn Publishing.