skype healer

in the dreary February underbelly
atlantic ocean outside my window
draped in silk pajamas and flaxen
sweater i lied belly-up on my bed
my laptop resting on a pillow
as the angels conducted brain surgery
scraped my head clean while the angelic
frequency healer directed them by name
asked them questions about my internal
weathers the electric zings of my condition
i was told to rest and hydrate as my brain
and body had been through a lot but I had
to go into the snow take my tired vessels
out into the road and accept the clean clear
air of midwinter the aquarian burst of a zodiacal
they cured my frequency got it aligned
with godliness or the choirs of them
I would hear exactly one year later upon
Vera’s 3am death death of red throbs
and hydration death of electric conditions
and snow death of vessel and midwinter
upon waking I skyped with a Los Angeles
healer in a wooden paneled room and asked
why and when asked him to ask the entities
to see what arrival pulsed the now and dreary
underbelly my laptop on my pillow slanted
insidious glare but so silver

Copyright Credit: Emmalea Russo, "skype healer." Copyright © 2019 by Emmalea Russo. Used by permission of the author for PoetryNow.
Source: PoetryNow (2019)