Open Memo To The Congressional Appropriations Committee And The Military Department Of Defense

To Whom It Does Concern:
        Could we please have just one space flight,
           one nine-million dollar adventure into the great breath,
           so that we could divide the loaves and fishes
           and put 900 more people to work for a year.
           Or could we please have one nuclear missile,
           so we can difuse it, sell the used parts
           for one-point-ten billion worth of more than just
           rice krispies breakfast-lunch-dinners.
           What if we could exchange an M-1 rifle for a solar reflector
           so that our building could have heat all the time,
           not wait for avaricious gun-toting landlords
           to remember to call the oil company tomorrow
           for the child next door with pneumonia today.
           We would even accept a leftover bomber,
           or one two-million dollar high tech space suit,
           however patronizing it may seem,
           or a decommissioned aircraft carrier to relieve tight housing
           Its not much, is it?
           When you add it up, pull together the sum total
           of the four billion dollars-a-day catastrophy fantasy,
           the whole is worse than its parts.
           So to continue our list,
           could you please refund on our next tax return
           the difference between the limousines you drive,
           and the tokens we do not have
           to build our nation strong.
                                        The People of the Rest of the World

Copyright Credit: Sandra Maria Esteves, "Open Memo To The Congressional Appropriations Committee And The Military Department Of Defense" from Bluestown Mockingbird. Copyright © 1990 by Sandra Maria Esteves. Reprinted by permission of Arte Público Press.