Happy Endings
I like the story where the cowboy lives
because the bullet struck the whiskey flask
instead of his thin-walled heart. Or the one
where the boy is thrown from the wrecked car
and lands perfectly on a pillow of grass
instead of the awful road. I'm to the point
where if someone has to get killed, please
deliver a clear lesson along with that death.
No random, Godless acts. No mad dogs, no
hatchets being wielded at good girls slumbering
in the folds of their warm beds. After reading Cinderella,
after observing the fat and happy cartoon mouse
weekly escaping the ravenous cat, after watching
my fellow earthlings pull together and pound
the Martians into the rock-hard desert using sarcasm
and sticks, I've come to appreciate the happy ending,
no matter how tacky or unearned. It's today. And death tolls
continue to climb. You think I want the truth?
Copyright Credit: Kristen Tracy, "Happy Ending" from Half-Hazard. Copyright © 2018 by Kristen Tracy. Reprinted by permission of Graywolf Press, www.graywolfpress.org.