February 19th

               "Oaths are the fossils of piety." -Santayana

In an attempt to transcend my limitations I have thought to create an expressive neutrality. These pages I give to the dog to shred.



'I have not brought
the message. I came
with the message.

I am a part of what
is said to have

Pauses or deletions in the text: ainos (story) & ainigma

" . . . an abstract unity . . .'' [Baudelaire]:
and the unapproachable distance.

"All research on the labyrinth ought properly to begin with the dance." [Kerenyi]

An inevitable order in the world
Compels silence

Not an outcome but a simulacrum
Of its rhythm
Copyright Credit: Ray DiPalma, "February 19" from The Ancient Use of Stone. Copyright © 2009 by Ray DiPalma.  Reprinted by permission of Ray DiPalma Estate.