How to Wheel

The zoo is tough terrain; hilly.
I wheel as fast as I can —
then Mum shouts ‘Keep up!’
I stop. ‘Hand me my crutches.’
I shakily get up; tear off my splints’
velcro straps, and put them on her.
I sit her in the chair. ‘You have a go.’

At first, she spins in circles.
‘No,’ I say. ‘Use both arms in unison.’
She still veers away, zigzagging, sweating now.
People start to stare. She blushes,
keeps her head down. After ten minutes
she’s heaving, shirt drenched.
I swing over to her.

Copyright Credit: Karl Knights, "How to Wheel" from Kin.  Copyright © 2022 by Karl Knights.  Reprinted by permission of The Poetry Business.
Source: Kin (The Poetry Business, 2022)