Lowering of the Gaze

Tell the believing men to lower their gazes and guard their orifices . . . and tell the believing women to lower their gazes and guard their orifices

                                                                       —Quran 24:30 & 31

I love the man of lowered gaze
and the woman of lowered gaze
And I love the man who looks hungrily
and the woman who looks hungrily
I have been the man with the hungry gaze
and the man of iron restraint
whose eyes leave what is covered, covered
I have been the woman with the ravenous mouth
and the woman with the disciplined will
like an axe sharply splitting wood
like an axe at the moment it is lifted
poised, in that pause before descent
And I am the gaze and the pause
and the wood that is split

Copyright Credit: Mohja Kahf, "Lowering of the Gaze" from My Lover Feeds Me Grapefruit.  Copyright © 2020 by Mohja Kahf.  Reprinted by permission of Press 53, LLC.
Source: My Lover Feeds Me Grapefruit (Press 53, LLC, 2020)