Return #14 from “Act III: Ain’t I Épistémè?”

how many ways can you disappear
a people, dignity by dignity, slant
word by slant word, who turn grave,
grave by grave by the curve and measure
of graves after typhoons, cyclones,
the mounting electrowastelands by the fresh-
water, and wrath of tumours as bright
brush on the forehead or covering over knees,
the work of minutes grating against
millions in flooded cities
what garments I wrap this zealous hand in
steering east all through the night, come
the morning I will not be long enough &
patient enough to level the quick word, a
-way out how many ways can you empty
a people, hope by hope, I do not venerate
men. at. all. I have a problem with dream

Copyright Credit: Canisia Lubrin, "Return #14" from The Dyzgraphxst.  Copyright © 2020 by Canisia Lubrin.  Reprinted by permission of McClelland & Stewart, Ltd., a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited. All rights reserved.
Source: The Dyzgraphxst (McClelland & Stewart, Ltd., 2020)