
for Jack Mapanje

In the sad hotel that drinks a swamp,
You breathe malarial air and enjoy
Frog music piped in from the dismal swamp.

Bits of your life measured out in bars,
Your thoughts gripped in clamps,
Your lips pierced through

With fish-hooks, locked shut,
Silenced over the stab of a clipped
Tongue that stabs the steel bar clutching

The teeth gnashed for dinner.
You dunk salt balls into the soup
Of bitter tears raging through our land.

Fried cockroaches, rotten beans
Baked in the perennial salt
Whet your old ulcerous hunger

As you journey from nowhere to nowhere
Stopping at the sad hotel that offers
No respite to despotic tyranny.

For many years you have silently swallowed
The bitter cassava of tyranny
Served to you at dagger-point.

Copyright Credit: Frank Chipasula, "Nightfall" from Whispers in the Wings. Copyright © 1991 by Frank Chipasula.  Reprinted by permission of Mallory International Ltd.
Source: Whispers in the Wings (Heinemann, 1991)