Day of the Dead (III)

All that land between
yesterday and today, and
the when and how of
your life somewhere there.

Where's the iceberg
you called your gravestone?
Where's the weed you pulled
at the exact moment
of autumn's arrival?

Where is that book about roses
you read aloud each Saturday?

Did you leave your hat
in a dream of the forest?

Elizabeth, no matter how
many ceremonies we sit through,
we'll never know
where you disembarked.

Still, we continue to chart
your long trip as we celebrate
its anniversary with laughter.

Copyright Credit: Joshua Edwards, "Day of the Dead (III)" from Castles and Islands.  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Edwards.  Reprinted by permission of Liang Editions.
Source: Castles and Islands (Joshua Edwards, 2016)