Life Centered Around

By Moon Bo Young
Translated By Hedgie Choi
I think with you at the center of my thoughts. Europa orbits Jupiter and centers Jupiter in its thoughts. Europa thinks about its day, spinning around that thing that is slowest to come when you want to escape. It massages its swollen feet, points its toes to the wall, points them back. It spun through the day while deferring the day. It spins with no intention
to arrive, no intention to push away. Spinning shallowly it thinks of shallow outer space. Europa wets its ankles and is in pain. The pain orbits around Jupiter. Europa hurts. It spins until it forgets Jupiter and thinks of the moment it spun around someone who wasn't there. It's space and space smiles like a doll whose neck is the only part that turns. When Europa thinks of space it thinks of the year 5000 or just before the year 5000 or just after the year 5000. It thinks of a star orbiting a faraway star. It writes down a date it can't live in and writes a diary entry where the letters orbit around letters. The spinning makes them round . The left side of the doll's face is spinning to arrive at its right side. It smiles from ear to ear as its neck becomes bright blue. A letter came from far away. A letter without an orbit. Every letter in it is a round fence. A bug smoothly steps over the back of another bug. Pushing forward a little at a time. It erects the walls it has passed behind it and spins. It presses its back against the thing it left behind. It goes forward.
Copyright Credit: Moon Bo Young, "Life Centered Around" from Pillar of Books.  Copyright © 2021 by Moon Bo Young.  Reprinted by permission of Black Ocean.
Source: Pillar of Books (Black Ocean, 2021)