
By Chelsea B. DesAutels
At first it was easy to tell the story
because it was actually happening
right then so we could tell each other
the story of how a disease infiltrates
a body but even then we did not recount
all the parts only the best ones
ending with how strong we were
and graceful but it started to get harder
because you had to go back to work
.and I was still sick so now it was just me
and new people and most people
don't want to hear your story
of grief unless they knew you before
see grief in a new person is ugly but
I kept practicing because I was hopeful
that one day I might tell the part
about that morning in bed—you remember—
the lake was choppy and it was hot
and raining so we closed up the house—
remember it was you and me
and the baby in bed—she was hungry
and I had to roll away and then we were crying
because we knew it was beyond the point
whether we were strong or graceful
and you were crying too and in fact
I'm still trying to tell that story
or at least write it down but I end up
talking instead about food and baby formula
and freezers of breast milk from strangers
and how to arrange the bags precisely
s0 the milk doesn't sour and of course
I always mention gratitude because
people like that ending.

Copyright Credit: Chelsea B. DesAutels, "Mythology" from A Dangerous Place.  Copyright © 2021 by Chelsea B. DesAutels.  Reprinted by permission of Sarabande Books, Inc..
Source: A Dangerous Place (Sarabande Books, Inc., 2021)