Double Feature
At Dunbar, Castle or Arcade
we rode with the exotic sheik
through deserts of erotic flowers;
held in the siren madonna's arms
were safe from the bill-collector's power.
Forgave the rats and roaches we
could not defeat, beguiled by jazzbo
strutting of a mouse. And when
the Swell Guy, roused to noblest wrath
shot down all those weakéd men,
Oh how we cheered to see the good we were
destroy the bad we'd never be.
What mattered then the false, the true
at Dunbar, Castle or Arcade,
where we were other for an hour or two?
Copyright Credit: Robert Hayden, "Double Feature" from Collected Poems of Robert Hayden. Copyright © 2013 by Robert Hayden. Reprinted by permission of W. W. Norton & Company, Inc..
Source: Collected Poems of Robert Hayden. (W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2013)