Riddle 43

By Unknown
Ic wat indryhtne æþelum deorne
giest in geardum, þam se grimma ne mæg
hungor sceððan ne se hata þurst,
yldo ne adle. Gif him arlice
esne þenað, se þe agan sceal
on þam siðfate, hy gesunde æt ham
findað witode him wiste ond blisse,
cnosles unrim, care, gif se esne
his hlaforde hyreð yfle,
frean on fore. Ne wile forht wesan
broþor oþrum; him þæt bam sceðeð,
þonne hy from bearme begen hweorfað
anre magan ellorfuse,
moddor ond sweostor. Mon, se þe wille,
cyþe cynewordum hu se cuma hatte,
eðþa se esne, þe ic her ymb sprice.


Original text dates c. 1000, by an unknown author. Source language text is public domain.

Copyright Credit: "Riddle 47" from The Exeter Book, edited by George Philip Krapp and Elliot Van Kirk Dobbie. New York: Columbia University Press, 1936.