Acclimating to Discomfort of the System Breaking Beneath Us

          I do not take any
           calls except from
          the century we are in
when there is no bible in my hotel room
 it makes me sad to have no place to put
     my filthy poems for future guests
      it is important to let them know
everyone should bum with abandon as soon as the heat is available
 be a self-styled alarm clock no one can shut off
   be the storm Love places in someone's home
         are you sure we can handle this
          because I am absolutely certain
           c'mon wind knock us around
             we are a tide that cures ills
               look at us in the mirror
       as soon as the invented language enters
      us something else will vibrate in our skin
     opening door with teeth of the future to
   the place where we let the freer feeling go
when you told me you had been looking for me
        we pressed through every
       invisible barrier between us
     I watched you gently let the gods
   know you are ready to win the lottery
        there were people from the
           19th century alive in my
            lifetime many years ago
              I met some of them
            they are all gone now
             as we hold on to
             the side of one
           another howling down
           the velocity of seconds

Copyright Credit: CAConrad, "Acclimating to Discomfort of the System Breaking Beneath Us" from Amanda Paradise.  Copyright © 2021 by CAConrad.  Reprinted by permission of Wave Books.
Source: Amanda Paradise (Wave Books)