a muted longing for      a
             being of elsewhere without     a
             boundary or    a
       body like  a
ball to throw me around in    a
   pig skin of public parts
      of policies    zero
   privacies of every
     body  gets   a
   turn to frisk me of
numbered bodies &
   trophied bodies &
     saturated bodies &
         colored bodies  of  being
           bloodied in the streets  flag
                    for ever a halfmast of
                          having knees only to
                             take  one   of   finding
                                  breath  only  to
                                       lose it

Copyright Credit: Gabrielle Joy Lessans, "[CARNAGE]" from [a go].  Copyright © 2022 by Gabrielle Joy Lessans.  Reprinted by permission of Ornithopter Press.
Source: [a go] (Ornithopter Press, 2022)