By Alexis Sears
With lyrics from Gregory Porter
Before the doctors stole his tonsils,
my brother would silently bob his head
in our blue Jetta while musicians crooned.
The men were middle-aged, jazzy, confident,
with skin the color of toasted walnuts and eyes
like cereal bowls: fulfill my precious dream
to bring blues from America to the French African queen!
There were so many reasons to weep.
All week
I have been groggy and ill-tempered. My brother’s
tonsils (“biggest ones we’ve seen!” the doctors said)
sit forgotten like rotting fruit in a sterilized jar
in a hospital hours away from home.
“Finally,” he says. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.
Finally, I can sing without pain.”
Copyright Credit: Alexis Sears, "Tonsillectomy " from Out of Order. Copyright © 2022 by Alexis Sears. Reprinted by permission of Autumn House press.