Common Creeping Thyme (Serpillum à serpendo)
By Norman Dubie
If only it were just a lousy herb
That issued feeble tendrils slowly, now and then
Relinquishing some tiny blooms, its basest
Essence known to all (good on chicken).
Not a chance. Time tricks and trumps us, ropes us
In; floods and won't be stanched; speeds
Like this anarchic ER's rolling cots that bump
And skate all up and down the too-bright halls,
While you lie in a corner weeping dactyls (AH ha ha)
Until I reach you, grab your hands. If love's
Time's fool, I'm full-on shmuck, lured rushing back
Two state lines on a crappy bus for yet
Another of your episodes: an overdose
Borderline lethal, perhaps; a minor
Conflagration on the kitchen counter;
And now: an alleged inability to write checks,
Dial numbers. A Neuro intern appears,
Leans cotside, condescends to cross
Examine you on dates and names until
You shout at me Get RID of him! But him's
A her, and I admit I've never seen you
Quite like this before. We wait and curse
While aides placate us with stale crackers
And CranGrape juice. I decide to make
You name me every herb you grow so expertly
In pots behind your place. Parse, you offer first;
A man approaches, wagging films. He's terse.
"Shadow—Lung: Pneumonia." What? Sage, you grin;
Another page dispatched post-haste, younger
Than the first. He's clutching your CT:
"Tumors—left brain, three." And then a third,
Too young to grow a beard, steps forth, sucks in
His baby's breath, annunciates: "Metasta—
Rosemary! you holler, Rosemary! as your arthritic hand
Smacks down in triumph on the piled white sheets—
"Sized," he concludes, then speaks slowly to my face.
"It doesn't look good." I turn to you, repeat
The clause. You beam. You've always wanted
A brain tumor, some definitive (read: physical)
Disease people will breathe above a whisper,
Some Bette Davis blight that brings Claude Rains
To your side, or better, your ex-husband from
His wife, and I'd go along with you laughing,
Waving Hi! to all who scurry past;
Laughing, god, so strangely laughing, but now
I know a shape of Time I've only seen
You paint-trumpet, bone, and wing. and I pray
To the fluorescent ceiling: Stay this Creep:
Shut this now, I'll read it later;
Let's fly back inside another spring.
When I am low, just at your hem, knowing
Only that woods don't end and sun
Patters into shade, and we run down
Narrow paths to look for fern and toad
And early flower.
Copyright Credit: Sarah Hannah, "Common Creeping Thyme (Serpillum à serpendo)" from Inflorescence. Copyright © 2007 by Sarah Hannah. Reprinted by permission of Tupelo Press.
Source: Inflorescence. (Tupelo Press., 2007)