Three Love Chants


Dark cedars of dark lebanon.
the ash, the oak.
the elm.    O,
the eucalyptus.

The apple (love) apple
(in the empty orchard)

(by the old graveyard)


Bone (like shell.
the colour of dry sand):
your breastbone (open
to touch. silver chain)
collar (twice broken.
where you are angles)
spine (a valley. damp.)

This bone (bold) remembering
every break.


Sound in the bone
at your breast
(like water)

far off (pushing
over pebbles, storming
down slopes, toward
the dry stone canyon
where I stand

darker than the cedars
and more fragrant.

Copyright Credit: Rachel Tziva Back, "Three Love Chants" from Azimuth. Copyright © 2001 by Rachel Tziva Back.  Reprinted by permission of Rachel Tziva Back.