Tiresias as Cuir (on the run)

By Trish Salah
Dog. The time you take home, the time you take away from home.
The insistence, the instance worried at with your thick tongue.
Stink. Because of what you found on the ground and put in your gut.
Harry. As in beset, or beast. To beast on their terms, their territory.
Gut knotted, pulled and twined to an internal clock.
Drape over the occasion, sleep on the mat at the metre’s foot.
Cuir poetics or not, monolingual, but your poets are. Cure misery
not confined to the nation-state, but spread by road trip, hash, tragic opera.
Idle vials can be convincingly propped to suit the man you want
to be, or issue forward “the food that always remains” esteemed.
Cuir milieu you want to tableau. An apology for discovery, accident.
Scales already weighted, reviews in stone long buried time.
Mainstreaming “long buried time” sleeps draped in prophesy.
Root as per root. Ocean as per root. Sleep as per root.
On the couch. At the urinal. A woman, a race with a use value
For the revolution. For the dead. For women like me.
When the ocean is rooted, one criticizes, less guilty
Parting documentaries as love letters, cursive, sans serif.
Without documents, cur poetics root for, if not abstinence
Then the mainstreaming of prophesy and the dispute of Tiresias.
Part ocean, part dog, and nine parts of the nation state
A wight kills for pleasure and gold and land and slaves.
Tiresias was a wight and not a wight, queer speech
trafficking like vector surveillance, vile night unending.
The simplest equations are subtraction.
A “dog never loses its savour.” Arab slavers.
Fawn smear from the mouth, eye sockets
Tell me about your history, the one to come.
Who invents virtues? Riddles? Laqueur races home.

Copyright Credit: Trish Salah, "Tiresias as Cuir (on the run)" from Lyric Sexology Vol. 1 and Vetch, Issue 2 (Spring 2016). Copyright © 2017 by Trish Salah. Reprinted by permission of Metonymy Press.