Poisonwell Diaries: The Ghost

Mama birthed me, Papa sold me in the land of weeping willows
Traces of sin trail miles across skin, I go by Never Forget
My body’s evidence of daddy’s pestilence spread across the land

His sin traces my skin, a path never forgotten
Nameless, nationless, I root where I am thrown
Centuries of science bloom from my womb, I be the world’s original balm

Without name, without place, I root at my command
My children captured, bound, and tricked...they only see this path
Your price placed pon this body, but my soul’s my own

Thefted bodies be not yours, bound mouths can’t speak Yes
My grandchildren no longer tricked destroyed their footprints pon this path
Your babies knew my nipple well, it’s what made me owned

Yet this kidnapped body be not yours, I neva gave you all this
An American nightmare of your making, unbroken beginning tethered to time
Your grand babies etched my body sayin it was theirs to own

A nightmare you crafted with lineage bound, souls tethered
My children’s children know the truth: You are because you took
In this land of possession, can you stay fed on snatched and looted?

My body bred many, memory embosses this land
Our children’s children’s children tell the tale                  Some debts can’t be paid
Disremember the archive, imbibe this truth,

       Mama, who is she? Papa raped me and sold me down the river
       I slit my throat and papa’s too to haunt this land of weeping willows

Copyright Credit: Shanta Lee, "Poisonwell Diaries: The Ghost" from Black Metamorphoses. Copyright © 2023 by Shanta Lee. Reprinted by permission of Etruscan Press.