America, I Am

I come from the kidnapped,
                                    the assaulted—
my country’tis of reparations as in-store credit
                                    backordered to bankruptcy

It is me & my trophy wife
passing as a dream of some kind

All I want is 40 dead mules
& an acre of land w/ a lighthouse
            right above the porch of the great Atlantic Ocean
            just in case any of my ancestors tasted nasty & made it.

I come from a people who pay a penalty every sunrise
& divinate to paroled gods with rancid hog maws.

The stripes plowed into my grandfather’s back
will have to stand in for our family album.

Somebody threw some stars at my grand-momma’s head
& said ‘betcha won’t ask for no freedom no mo’!

Natives in prison-issue war bonnets say:
I come from a poisoned land that recycles children
            into artillery shells
                        & where dark skin is good as

                                  an invisibility cloak

                   until the police arrive.

I am proud to be a                          
where I can hold my head up and drown
in the downpour of state sanctioned cancer.

I am proud to hold my place
in back of the line.

I come from a land that’s open all night
like a shotgun wound.

& as for ya’ll tired,
                                      ya’ll poor
                                                   ya’ll huddled masses
yearning to breathe free

Fuck ya’ll!

I come from a place promising
a burning cross in every yard

& two meth labs in every garage
             & when I say: meth lab

I mean golden
                          retrievers smoking crank.

The country I come from

I can flash all its gang signs
              & beatbox all their anthems.

I come from a place—
actually, I don’t know where I come from—

I just know I woke up here.

My babies were gone.
My house was on fire.
& I couldn’t breathe.

Copyright Credit: James Cagney, "America, I Am" from Martian: The Saint of Loneliness. Copyright © 2021 by James Cagney. Reprinted by permission of Penguin Random House LLC.