Young Woman

Naked before the glass she said,   
“I see my body as no man has,   
Nor any shall unless I wed
And naked in a stranger’s house   
Stand timid beside his bed.
There is no pity in the flesh.”

“Or else I shall grow old,” she said,   
“Alone, and change my likeliness   
For a vile, slack shape, a head
Shriveled with thinking wickedness   
Against the day I must be dead   
And eaten by my crabbed wish.”

“One or the other way,” she said,   
“How shall I know the difference,
When wrinkles come, to spinster or bride?   
Whether to marry or burn is bless-
ed best, O stranger to my bed,   
There is no pity in the flesh.”

Copyright Credit: Howard Nemerov, "Young Woman" from The Collected Poems of Howard Nemerov (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1977). Copyright © 1977 by Howard Nemerov. Reprinted with the permission of Margaret Nemerov.
Source: The Collected Poems of Howard Nemerov (The University of Chicago Press, 1977)