Elegy for Peter

That night we drank warm whiskey   
in our parked car
beyond woods now lost to the suburbs,   
I fell in love with you.

What waited was the war   
like a bloody curtain,   
and a righteous moment   
when the lovely boy’s

spine was snapped,
then the long falling into hell.
But lately, you’ve been calling me
back through the years of bitter silence

to tell me of another river of blood   
and of the highland’s
howl at dusk of human voices   
blasted into ecstasy.

That night in sweet Lorain   
we drank so long and hard   
we raised ourselves
above the broken places,

mill fires burning
red against the sky. Why   
is there no end   
to this unraveling.

Copyright Credit: Bruce Weigl, “Elegy for Peter” from Archaeology of the Circle: New and Selected Poems. Copyright © 1999 by Bruce Weigl. Reprinted with the permission of Grove/Atlantic, Inc., www.groveatlantic.com.
Source: Archeology of the Circle: New and Selected Poems (Grove/Atlantic Inc., 1999)