Blue Moon

—October 31, 2001

They’re gathering now
cone-head ghouls Spider-Man   
fly-by-nighters’ burnt-cork cheeks   
flailed sheets and twiggy voices   
Mama stalking a border dog’s   
crescent around back around   
as if to fend off certain harm   
October’s second sodium moon   
basting the street and barbecue ribs   
and links she smoked all day   
to keep her four boys close   
no begging door-to-door not   
with new monsters wakened   
Anything can happen here   
tonight unlike past years free   
to knock and shriek
now they spook themselves   
overdub hip-hop shouts going   
nowhere fast these fearless fat   
boys past whom skip fuzzy whelps   
tittering mice and bunnies clamped   
to adults who keel them house   
to house and now I see them   
as a broken flock of dispersed   
wild children wandering   
adults and myself among them   
like medieval gangs of the blind
the destitute the deranged the lost   
beyond our ranks of city lights   
to beg and thumb our way
suburb to rail tracks to hills
across lunar stubble fields.

Copyright Credit: W. S. Di Piero, “Blue Moon” from Brother Fire. Copyright © 2004 by W. S. Di Piero. Used by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. All rights reserved.
Source: Brother Fire: Poems (Alfred A. Knopf, 2004)