Fable for a War

The old Roman sow   
Bears a new litter now
To fatten for a while
On the same imperial swill.
The cannibal wolf will dig
And root out Spanish bones beside the pig.

Germany has reared   
A rare ugly bird
To screech a sour song   
In the German tongue:   
Tell me if there be
A sparrowhawk for such birds as he?

The parrots lift their beaks
And fill the air with shrieks.
Ambassador is sent
From the parrots’ parliament:
“Oh see how fine I fly
And nibble crackers got in Germany.”

Europe is a feast
For every bloody beast:   
Jackals will grow fat   
On the bones after that.   
But in the end of all
None but the crows can sing the funeral.

Germany has reared
A rare ugly bird,
But crows ate Roman pig
Before this bird was egg.
And in the end of all
Crows will come back and sing the funeral.

Copyright Credit: Thomas Merton, “Fable for a War” from The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton. Copyright © 1977 by The Trustees of the Merton Legacy Trust. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation.
Source: The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton (New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1977)