Sonnet with a Different Letter at the End of Every Line

for Helen Vendler

O for a muse of fire, a sack of dough,   
Or both! O promissory notes of woe!   
One time in Santa Fe N.M.
Ol’ Winfield Townley Scott and I ... But whoa.

One can exert oneself, ff,
Or architect a heaven like Rimbaud,
Or if that seems, how shall I say, de trop,   
One can at least write sonnets, a propos   
Of nothing save the do-re-mi-fa-sol   
Of poetry itself. Is not the row
Of perfect rhymes, the terminal bon mot,   
Obeisance enough to the Great O?

“Observe,” said Chairman Mao to Premier Chou,   
“On voyage à Parnasse pour prendre les eaux.   
On voyage comme poisson, incog.”

Copyright Credit: George Starbuck, “Sonnet with a Different Letter at the End of Every Line” from The Works: Poems Selected from Five Decades. Copyright © 2003 by University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa). Reprinted with the permission of The University of Alabama Press.
Source: The Works: Poems Selected from Five Decades (2003)