The Dancer

Class is over, the teacher
and the pianist gone,
but one dancer
in a pale blue
leotard stays
to practice alone without music,
turning grand jetes
through the haze of late afternoon.
Her eyes are focused
on the balancing point
no one else sees
as she spins in this quiet
made of mirrors and light—
a blue rose on a nail—
then stops and lifts
her arms in an oval pause
and leans out
a little more, a little more,
there, in slow motion
upon the air.

Copyright Credit: Reprinted from the 2005 Bakeless Prize winner Late for Work by David Tucker, Houghton Mifflin, 2006, by permission of the author. “The Dancer” first appeared in “Visions International” No. 65, 2001. Copyright © 2001 by David Tucker.
Source: Late for Work (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006)