A Maul for Bill and Cindy’s Wedding

Swung from the toes out,
Belly-breath riding on the knuckles,   
The ten-pound maul lifts up,
Sails in an arc overhead,
And then lifts you!

It floats, you float,
For an instant of clear far sight—
Eye on the crack in the end-grain   
Angle of the oak round
Stood up to wait to be split.

The maul falls—with a sigh—the wood   
Claps apart
                and lies twain—
In a wink. As the maul
Splits all, may

You two stay together.

Copyright Credit: “A Maul for Bill and Cindy’s Wedding” from Axe Handles copyright © 1983 by Gary Snyder. Used by permission of Counterpoint Press.
Source: Axe Handles (1983)