from To Priapus: Elegies 1.iv

Far from the tender Tribe of Boys remove,
For they’ve a thousand ways to kindle Love.
This, pleases as he strides the manag’d Horse,
And holds the taughten’d Rein with early Force;
This, as he swims, delights thy Fancy best,
Raising the smiling Wave with snowy Breast:
This, with a comely Look and manly Airs;
And that with Virgin Modesty ensnares.
But if at first you find him not inclin’d
To Love, have Patience, Time will change his Mind.


And you, what’er your Fav’rite does, approve,
For Condescension leads the Way to love.
Go with him where he goes, tho’ long the Way,
And the fierce Dog-star fires the sultry Day;
Or the gay Rainbow girds the bluish Sky,
And threatens rattling Show’rs of Rain are nigh.
If sailing on the Water by his Will,
Then steer the Wherry with a dext’rous Skill:
Nor think it hard Fatigues and Pains to bear,
But still be ready with a willing Cheer.
If he’ll inclose the Vales for savage Spoils,
Then on thy Shoulders bear the Nets and Toils;
If Fencing be the Fav’rite Sport he’ll use,
Take up the Files, and artlessly oppose;
Seem as intent, yet oft expose your Breast,
Neglect your Guard, and let him get the best;
Then he’ll be mild, then you a Kiss may seize,
He’ll struggle, but at length comply with ease;
Reluctant, tho’ at first you’ll find him grow
Ev’n fond, when round your Neck his Arms he’ll throw.